4 Simple Steps Programme

What is 4 Simple Steps all about? Well, this is a programme I designed to support clients who have a goal in mind but who are struggling to achieve it.  The programme is a fusion of coaching and education.  We use the framework to guide us but use coaching to explore your personal goal, it’s impact and your success.  Everything you learn can be used again and again. You’ll walk away achieving goal success plus everything you need to replicate the system.  


If any of the following apply to you then 4Simple Steps would be of benefit to you.


-       Time poor with lots of external demands

-       You feel frustrated from trying again and again with little progress

-       Not knowing where the first step is

-       Feel overwhelmed or have a busy life

-       You aren’t sure how to create space in your life and put yourself first.


There are lots of reasons we don’t make the changes we want to in our lives, it isn’t because we can’t be bothered or are lazy.  Sometimes other elements of our lives take over and command our time, energy, or mental capacity. This programme has been created to help you establish the goals and changes necessary in your life through clarity, planning and removing obstacles.


Our aim together, is to set you up to achieve your goal and to do this we break down the goal by looking to make the individual, everyday changes simple to introduce, easy to manage and low energy to uphold.  


 So, what is the framework?

The 4 simple steps we work through together are:


1.     Your goal

2.     Your time

3.     Your habits

4.     Your mindset


 Let’s look at each stage in more detail 

Step One – Your Goal

In our first step we deep dive your goal, discover your motivation, build an accurate map of your end point, journey, and check points along the way. We discuss the best way to record and display your goal and develop the habit of checking and tweaking your goal when necessary.


Step Two - Your Time

Our time is a fixed thing, there aren’t more than 24 hours in a day for anyone, instead, its necessary to look at how we use these hours. Together we look at the impact of the changes you want to make on your life and understand what compromises or alternations need to happen. We work through the obstacles, challenges and solutions that are created by your goal.


Step Three – Your Habits

 My favourite bit! Habits are immense and underrepresented in the change process. The benefits of using habits are the low energy impact. By utilising existing habits, a lower barrier to entry and a smoother ride is created. Anything that doesn’t ask for lots of mental energy is a good thing with change. Together we’ll identify current habits and how we can use them (habit stacking or re-purposing unhelpful habits).


Step Four – Your mindset

Together we’ll set a mindset that will carry you through your journey, one that doesn’t look for perfection and is ready to adapt to the inevitable challenges along the way. We’ll use different techniques, using your own expertise in yourself to create self-awareness and confidence.


How long we spend in each step will depend on your goal and situation, each element is completely crafted to your needs. The perfect blend of skills for life and personal, relevant support.


What does the programme look like?

 Together we’ll plan in 3 hours of coaching where we use the framework to flow through change, personalising the journey for you using coaching to squeeze the very maximum out of each session. There are 2 review sessions to support your journey and a substantial accountability package to make sure you never feel alone. All materials are supplied either in a physical form or via pdf.


Next Steps?


Contact me to find out more.


How to set goals and achieve them.